
About Us

MyPhoto is the leading solution for ID photo upload to ID card systems.  MyPhoto is a subsidiary of Mango Bay Internet, located in Cleveland, Ohio.  Mango Bay Internet was founded in 1997 and is celebrating 20 years of providing Internet Access, Managed IT Services, Application Development and Internet Marketing Services. Learn more at

The Challenge 

In early 2010, having completed several successful web site design projects, Mango Bay Internet was challenged with the task of streamlining the photo upload process for incoming freshman at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia.  The task was simple in concept, but complex in functionality and compatibility; build a solution that makes it easy for students and staff members to upload their photos for the university’s ID card.  Until then, students clicked on a browse button where they were prompted to select a photo from their computer to use. Administrative staff spent days if not weeks rotating, cropping, editing, approving, rejecting and communicating with the students on the quality and status of their submitted  photo.  Students submitted photos with sunglasses on, hats and with other people in the picture.  The process was slow and inefficient. Meanwhile, students who didn’t upload their photo stood in line at the university card office to get their picture taken and id card produced manually.

The Solution

The team at Mango Bay Internet researched, developed, tested and implemented a solution based on the needs of their customer.  The solution included a web-based application that authenticates the user, sets the expectations and allows the user to rotate, crop and preview the image before submitting it to the card office.  The process takes less than a few minutes.  Students, faculty and staff love it!


MyPhoto is born

After several other universities and card system manufacturers inquired about the application, it was obvious that an opportunity existed for others to benefit.  In 2014, MyPhoto, a subsidiary of Mango Bay Internet was formed and the application was named the same.

Today, MyPhoto is used in many Universities in the United States as the exclusive method of having students, faculty and staff upload their photos to the card offices for ID card production. Two of the top 20 Universities use MyPhoto and is in 20% of the Canadian market and will be used by over 1 million students in 2017.

Backed by a company that has been in business for over 20 years, MyPhoto offers 24 x 7 x 365 support.  We integrate with any card system (view a list of card systems we have integrated with).

MyPhoto can be installed on-premise or hosted in our Cloud Data Center.  It is continually improved and updated so our customers have the latest technology and features available.

Ready to eliminate lines, save time and money?