Our application will save you time and money

Don't just take our word for it... Ask any of our valued customers.

“Noticeable reduction in lineups at our Welcome Day activities ID card station. In addition, because the pre-printed cards were encoded for door access prior to distribution, lineups and data entry issues were reduced at the residences where this would have normally taken place”

M. Roach, St. Francis Xavier University

“The wait time was about 45 minutes in 2013 and 30 minutes in 2014 but to pick up you card submitted through MyPhoto was about 10 minutes”

Rob Morrallee, Mohawk University

“Before the online photo submissions, we used to have it take three, twelve hour days of constant lines to take the photos and print the IDs. Now to take the photos of the students who didn’t submit during matriculation week, there is hardly more than 15 people in line at any time.”

Louis Galvez III, Tufts University

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10 Things Your Campus Can Do To Increase Photo Upload Utilization

What Makes MyPhoto Different?

We're the leader in campus photo submission. Here's why.

We make it easy

MyPhoto utilizes responsive website design and is mobile friendly. Users can take their photo from any device with a camera, login, rotate, crop and preview their photo before submitting. IPhone, Ipad, Droid, PC and MAC friendly. The entire process takes less than 2 minutes and is very easy to use

Powerful Dashboard

Connect the data, users and insights to optimize the photo upload process. MyPhoto’s dashboard shows instant information in real-time. Pending submissions, approval rate, disapproval summary and average processing time are just a few of the key features. Powerful sorting features allow data to be displayed on a daily, monthly, yearly or a specified date range, Administrators will know exactly if action is needed or how many students have saved time by using MyPhoto!

How It Works




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  You asked — we delivered.  The new MyPhoto 5 is here. Our latest edition of next generation photo upload takes the campus card office to the next level. Photo submission for campus ID cards has never been this easy! The new MyPhoto 5 puts universities in control with an easy-to-use Content Management System. Like … Continue reading Introducing MyPhoto 5: Why We Launched New Next Gen Photo Submission

Look Mom, No Spreadsheets! A Simpler Way to Process Campus Photo IDs

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Secure ID: MyPhoto Uses AES-256 — The Highest Encryption Standard

  MyPhoto allows the upload of a government ID — a driver’s license, passport, or other government-issued ID — to authenticate identity securely for web photo upload. This option is ideal for remote situations where students never physically step foot onto campus. You know the campus student ID is authentic. As more schools embrace virtual learning … Continue reading Secure ID: MyPhoto Uses AES-256 — The Highest Encryption Standard

What Is MyPhoto

MyPhoto is a web based application that enables a student to easily upload their photo for their student ID. MyPhoto has many new features in the latest release. As a customer, your institution can benefit from the MyPhoto application. MyPhoto streamlines the ID card photo upload process by defining what requirements students need to follow when taking and submitting a photo. Through 5 simple steps, a properly formatted photo is ready for an administrator’s review and then quickly submitted to MyPhoto for production, saving hours if not days of manual processing.